The 8 Week “Becoming Challenge”

This morning as I was walking on the beach I realized that no matter what time of day, year or what the weather is like, the ocean continues to do exactly as she was created. The waves roll in towards the shore as far as she desires and back out to sea, consistently day or … Continue reading The 8 Week “Becoming Challenge”

7 Steps to Help Achieve Your Vision Board Goals

By now the average person has made a decision to commit to a set of goals, resolutions or strategic steps which they feel will give them the best leverage to achieving success.  Vision Boards encourage participants to cut and paste a visual representation of who they want to become, what they want to attain or … Continue reading 7 Steps to Help Achieve Your Vision Board Goals

Create Greater Success by Commanding your Morning!

Did you know that your mind is racing faster when you initially awake than at any other time period of the day? It is during these first 20-30 minutes in which researchers have discovered that innovative ideas, strategies and problem solving answers are brought to the forefront of the human mind.  So how you use … Continue reading Create Greater Success by Commanding your Morning!

Have You Checked Your Failure List?

As we move into 2018 I've spent some time in reflection and I've drawn a very specific conclusion; all of my failures have led up to this very moment in which I need to make a decision to either apply the lessons or go back through the cycle of those failures all over again.  No-one typically … Continue reading Have You Checked Your Failure List?

My Money Still Belongs to Me!

I was rather intrigued and excited for two young ladies that shared their beautiful engagement rings this week on Facebook and interestingly enough both of them raised this question to their friends, "I have more money in my account than he does.  When I get married should I share with him or keep my money … Continue reading My Money Still Belongs to Me!