The 8 Week “Becoming Challenge”

This morning as I was walking on the beach I realized that no matter what time of day, year or what the weather is like, the ocean continues to do exactly as she was created. The waves roll in towards the shore as far as she desires and back out to sea, consistently day or night. She may even leave evidence on the beach to signify her presence. The roaring sound of the waves are a clear confirmation that you have arrived exactly where you intended. But best of all she never disappoints her audience.

I believe this analogy aligns with a focus on creating our own happiness. Some believe that happiness is found in relationships, having kids, gaining great income or purchasing a dream home. But the reality is that happiness is a state of mind rather than an equivalent of things desired by our flesh. We really can choose to be happy even when life doesn’t appear to offer us the best options and solutions.

So in an effort to assist many who struggle with how to align with their personal happiness, I initiated a challenge on Instagram called #the8weekbecomingchallenge. Exactly like the ocean analogy God has created each of us to do something “well” in the earth. The goal here is to focus on what it is you can become which would equate to doing things that you desire based on what you were created to do. If we can tap into purpose we will definitely find the fulfillment that many describe as happiness.

The pandemic of 2020 has taken many off their goals and directives for the year, but with the remaining 8 weeks there is a simple path that can position you directly ahead for a successful 2021.

1- Evaluate what it is that YOU want to accomplish over the next 8 weeks.

2- Revisit any outstanding projects on your vision boards, goal sheets or resolutions.

3- Find an empty Calendar or Journal notebook (it doesn’t have to be current, but it should be unused).

4- Create a vision page of what you want to accomplish for the next 8 weeks- use any combination of the following categories: Health, Family/Relationships, Education, Work/Business, Mind/Spirit, Finances, and Gifts/Talents

5- Write out the steps necessary to complete the goal

6-Check in with the accountability at @liveurjourney on Instagram

7- Schedule daily activity that align with the steps in #5

8- Believe in yourself

9- Work harder at the designated goals without distractions for the full 8 weeks

10- Evaluate your progress and pick it back up if you fall off schedule

Using these ten strategies and a willingness to give your very best for the next 8 weeks will allow you to create a better habit for future success, a head start on completed goals and confidence in your ability to successfully complete more in less time. The 8 week challenge began 11/12/2020 but you can start it at any time. Believe in your ability to do more in 8 weeks than you’ve ever done before and watch your life shift in amazing ways.

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